Superior Commitment

Question 1

Identify appropriate management practices that enable an enterprise to demonstrate its superior commitment to exceptional standards.


A local sports star has hired T&G Consulting for some advice, and you have been assigned to the project. This athlete is in need of a consulting firm because he wants to start a sports business and ensure there is no employment discrimination in his organization’s hiring practices. He intends to send out a press release soon, and he wants to communicate a pro-active recruitment plan.

You overhear a coworker of yours who is also working on the project say, “This is not an issue. He is so well-known, everyone will want to work for him. He doesn’t need a plan for a diverse and discrimination-free work environment.”

Part 1: You recognize that your coworker is mistaken. Compose an email to your coworker to explain why a diverse and discrimination-free work environment is such an important issue, describing legislation enacted by Congress to make employment discrimination illegal. Here is a library resource for help writing a professional emails.

Part 2: Your client wants to ensure that all employees know he is committed to a diverse and discrimination-free work environment. Design a code of ethics in regard to hiring practices for his new business, offering specific details.

Part 3: Write a brief report on the various ways to create a diverse and discrimination-free work environment. Clearly outline your recommended strategy. Describe what is expected from management as role models.

Question 2

Wall Street journal #1 (10 point)

Summarize an article from the Wall Street Journal that has a and legal issue and explain how it affects business. You might want to do this in Microsoft Word and then past your answer into the Catalyst box below. Use your own words, do not express your opinion – simply report on what the article says and indicate how it affects business. Indicate the title of the article, and date it appeared in the journal. Make sure it is a recent article (within the last two weeks)

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