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R e s e a r c h – B a s e d E x p o s i t o r y E s s a y E S L 0 5 0 2 0 1 7 – 2 0 1 8 | 1RESEARCH-BASED EXPOSITORY ESSAY Write an essay examining an issue using published research

.Assignment In the Persuasive Essay, you began the writing process with your opinion/position already in mind. In this essay, you will begin the writing process with a question to which you don’t already have a definite answer. You will then research the topic to determine your position and write an essay that presents your response to the question and the sources that you find most compelling. So while the structure of this essay will be similar to the Persuasive Essay, the writing process will be slightly different. We will emphasize reading, comprehending, and integrating researched sources. You will examine an issue of your choice, but will begin with a question. Your essay will become the answer to your question. The final paper should be 500-750 words in length, formatted in MLA style, and include 4-5 credible sources. In this assignment, you are required to use at least 1-2 sources from the ProQuest database. You may include visuals (images, tables, figures) to support your claims.Choosing an Essay TopicYou may choose your own topic, but keep in mind that it should meet the following requirements: 1. Your topic should be relevant to you. You should be able to explain why you’re motivated to learn more about this issue. 2. Your topic should allow for finding sufficient supporting research. If you’re unsure where to start, you might choose to answer one of the questions below, or use it as a starting point to form a different question. What is the process for getting a U.S. green (permanent resident) card?How can youth use social media to solve problems about ________ ? What role does ____________ play in American popular culture? Do long/night shifts affect the performance of medical personnel?Submission of Essay Drafts & Portfolio The first draft and final draft should be submitted digitally on Canvas.Along with the Final Draft, you will turn in a portfolio with the following: 1. Essay Planning Pages with detailed notes that show your process of working on the essay.2. All earlier drafts.3. Peer reviewer or writing tutor comments.4. Copies of the articles used in the essay with your annotation and highlighted quotes. Rough Draft Due Date: Final Draft Due Date:
R e s e a r c h – B a s e d E x p o s i t o r y E s s a y E S L 0 5 0 2 0 1 7 – 2 0 1 8 | 2Genre of Research Expository EssayIn an expository essay, the writer examines an issue of interest. This examination can be accomplished through several ways:-defining the issue and your opinion or perspective on it,-explaining a process or procedure,-comparing and contrasting an issue with similar issues, -analyzing what causes the issue and how this issue impacts others or the environment. You should not begin outlining and writing your essay until you’ve decided on your thesis/answer to the research question. As you explore and research your topic, your goal is to examine several sides of your topic. You will use credible published research to discuss its background, contributing factors, causes/effects, similarities/differences, or problem/solutions. In other words, you will closely read relevant research in order to understand your topic in depth. In your writing, you will use your research sources to support your thesis in a concise and reasonable tone. You will use direct quoting and paraphrasing and summarizing to enhance your own credibility on the topic. Organization of a Research Expository EssayIntroduction-provides the background information for your topic, your research question, and your thesis statement (the answer you reach on your question) Body paragraphs-break down the thesis statement into several points. Each paragraph will develop one point and examine/support it through evidence (facts, statistics, examples, or opinion of experts). It is important to document researched evidence through in-text citations and full citations in a Works Cited. You may use as many body paragraphs as the number of points you state in your thesis statement. Conclusion -summarizes the points presented in the body paragraphs and leaves the reader with a memorable impression of the significance of the topic and what to do next

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