Socialization and Opinion

Be sure to follow all formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus. Your final work product must have a cover page with a word count, an essay that is 3-4 pages in length and a works cited page. The minimum writing requirement expectation is two full pages in your own words (excluding citations). If the minimum expectations are not met, the assignment will be marked incomplete. Be sure to provide a proper citation in MLA or APA format for all works consulted on a separate works cited page.

Essay Prompts:

1. Conduct research into the process and agents of “political socialization.” Utilize a minimum of 2-3 scholarly sources.
2. Next, conduct a journalistic interview of a person with an age difference of at least 10 years (older or younger) than you.
3. After the interview, each of you is to complete the short survey from political compass to formally identify your political ideology. This will assist in your personal awareness and concluding your findings for the essay.
4. As you prepare to draft your essay, reflect on the notes and compare/contrast your socialization experiences. Think about how this assignment has furthered your knowledge as a student of political science, as a voter, and as a consumer of the media?
5. Remember, be objective (like a journalist) in your discussion by avoiding first person tone.

Interview Questions:

• What were the 3 most influential agents of political socialization in your life?
• What are your earliest recollections of “politics?”
• Did you have a “political awakenings?” Please explain the experience.
• Which political views have remained consistent? Which have changed?
• Complete the Ideology Self-Survey located at this link and then discuss the results:

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