Social Media

This assignment will require research using our course materials and other information that you obtain. If you take these assignments seriously, your research will supplement the course materials so that the class is studying the very latest e marketing tools and techniques.

Social Media Assignments

● You will select one of the social media above; you will write a three-to five-page paper on the contribution the selected social medium has made to e-marketing, providing recommendations on ways this contribution can be increased.

● Use ideas from our textbook and Internet research sources to help justify your assessment and recommendations.

The sections for the paper are:

1. Executive summary: Overview of key points and recommendations to be derived from the paper. Include a SWOT analysis in an Appendix.

2. History of the social medium and where it is headed: Who started it? How? Why? How fast has it grown? Did it replace other Internet applications for users, or is it incremental? Does it deliver brand-building and/or lead generation for e-marketers? What is the outlook and impact on e-marketing?

3. Current and future target audiences and core users: Who and how many of them are using this now? Has it changed? If so, why? Who is projected to use this in the future? How can emarketing best be used to reach these users?

4. Competition: Who are they now, and who are they projected to be in the future? Why? Include both direct competition (at a minimum, the social media other study groups are writing on and others listed below) and indirect competition (this could be another type of medium, such as TV or radio) that can affect usage or profits in a major way. For direct and indirect competition, at a minimum include the following:

Facebook (Myspace, LinkedIn, Meetup, Ning, Google+ ) – focus on individual and group-oriented social media
Twitter (SMS/MMS text messaging, Tumblr) – focus on short, concise social messaging and microblogging
YouTube (,, Vine, Vimeo) – focus on social video
Pinterest (Flickr, Picasa, Instagram) – focus on social photography
5. Profitable business models: Is the social medium profitable? How and why? If not, what does it need to do to become profitable? If so, how might it need to change to improve profitability?

6. SWOT analysis (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) for selected social medium and its one closest competitor. For all sections, include comments on the impact, opportunity, and challenges for e-marketing the social medium to its users as well as how other organizations can use the social medium as an e-marketing tool with their users.

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