Social Context

A psychologist is interested in the effects that people’ personality and social context have on people’s willingness to make an online purchase. To do this she recruited a sample of 60 people that completed a social conformity questionnaire and were subsequently divided into a ‘low social conformity’ (n=30) and a ‘high social conformity’ (n=30) group. Furthermore, people’s willingness to make an online purchase was measured while they received information telling them that a specific item they were looking at had been bought by 92% of the people who had viewed it before them (high popularity item), or that it had been bought only by 8% of people who had viewed it (low popularity item).

Table 1 shows indicators of people’s willingness to make a purchase during online browsing in the four experimental conditions. Higher scores indicate higher willingness to purchase.

Table 1 – Average indicators of people’s willingness to make a purchase during online browsing in the various experimental conditions. Higher scores indicate higher willingness to purchase.

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In addition, the researcher collected data about how many seconds each participant took to make their decision. These data are shown in Table 2. Since decision time might play a role in the context of her study, the researcher considers controlling for the effect of participants decision time in her analysis.

Table 2 – Average decision time (in seconds) of participants in the various conditions.

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Enter the data from Tables 1 and 2 into SPSS and carry out appropriate analyses to see if there are any effects of the experimental variables, and to consider if decision time should be statistically controlled for in the context of the analysis. Report all your conclusions and the statistics on which they are based.

(35 marks)

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