Raw Materials

Question 1

Reply to statement below in 100 words or more about supply chain

A supply chain is when a supplier produces raw material into a finished product that will be provided to the customer at the end of the process. There are several individuals that’s involved through the process that may work directly, but also indirectly form production to the customers. In the hearing device industry, our supply chain process starts with raw materials that’s being produce at the manufacturing company then shipped to our factory to be customized to the customer’s needs and delivered to them at their local store. The supply chain is an essential part of operations because they’re needed to get the product that’s at demand.


Question 2

Al Baik (Fast Food Chain in Saudi Arabia) must ship replacement parts for their ovens, and the supply chain manager must choose between two shipping alternatives: two-day freight, and five-day freight. Using five-day freight saves 750 Riyal (SAR), but the primary consideration is holding cost, which is 38 Riyal per unit per year. Al Baik must ship 2000 units. In a 4-page paper, which alternative would you recommend to the supply chain manager and why?

Be sure to use at least three current, scholarly references beyond any required course readings. Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals.

Make certain for each listed reference that you have at least one supporting citation in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed.

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