Discussion: Breasts mean different things to different people. According to Marilyn Yalom, author of A History of the Breast, “Babies see food. Men see sex. Doctors see disease. Business people see dollar signs.” The actress Jayne Mansfield, who is widely considered to be the first ‘blonde bomb shell/’bimbo’ (not my word) had a reported IQ of 163 (FYI-in case you didn’t know, Mrs. Mansfield is also the real-life mother to Law and Order SVU’s Mariska Hargitay). Marilyn Monroe was perceived as a large breasted ‘bimbo’ (again, not my word) when, in reality, she was far more intelligent than society gave her credit-most of society recognized them as large breasted sex symbols (see both Mansfield and Monroe web links below). What do you think the role breasts hold in American society? Are they a sign of power (think employment)? Are they still considered ‘sex symbols’ (think advertising)? Life (think cancer: cosmetic vs. reconstructive)? Sustenance (breast feeding in public controversy)? Sexuality? In a succinct, well researched post, discuss 3 reasons as to WHY you support the role you chose, providing examples/perspectives as well to support your stance. Use web links below to begin your research, also utilizing other sources of breast health information (Mayo Clinic, National Cancer Institutes, for example). Be sure to cite your sources of information, using either MLA or APA format.
**AS ALWAYS: be kind and respectful in your posts! Remember you are not graded for a response to a post. However, please feel free to respond as this is a discussion. But remember: if you feel you can’t respond IN KIND, do not respond at all. Be mindful that some people may have either be directly or indirectly affected by breast cancer so please be considerate.
The following rubric or standard is used for grading this assignment.
Discussed 3 pro/cons in complete sentences and is about 300 to 350 words., cited work.
Discussed 2 pro/cons in complete sentences and is about 250-300 words, works partially cited.
Discussed all 3 pros/cons, but lacked length and/or some quality issues, little cited work.
0 -10
Major problems with (1) length, (2) quality, and/or (3) in addressing at least 3 perspectives, no citations.
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