Overview For the capstone assessment, you will create a Product Launch Comprehensive Strategy and Professional Reflection. The capstone represents the final stage in your goal to obtain a Master’s Degree in Operations and Project Management. This final course will allow you to demonstrate proficiency in all areas of operations and project management. You will develop an overall, comprehensive strategy to bring a new product from design to mass production within a manufacturing or service environment. Along the way you will complete three critical stages of the development process that will require competent skills in project and operations management. You will also complete the three stages of product launch, demonstrating that the product or service has gone successfully from conception to high-volume manufacturing or full-service integration.
Additionally, you will self-reflect on project and operations management as a career focus or on future aspirations if you already work in the discipline. Evaluation of Capstone The capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are four separate components that will be submitted at different times during the course; however, they operate together to compose the entire capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You will be evaluated on all four components as a unit to determine whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. All four components must be completed at the highest levels; the strengths of one cannot “make up for” the weaknesses in another. Your work is expected to meet the highest professional standards. Remember, you are selling yourself as a competent operations and project management professional as much as you are selling your product launch strategy. The capstone project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final submission for Capstone Component 1 is due in Module Seven, Capstone Component 2 is due in Module Eight, Capstone Component 3 is due in Module Nine, and Capstone Component 4 is due in Module Ten. This assessment will evaluate your mastery with respect to the following outcomes:
Recommend strategies for optimizing production of goods and services based on a detailed analysis of existing processes, resources, and business goals
Identify and recommend total quality management (TQM) principles and methods appropriate to a given context Create, evaluate, and assess project plans to ensure desired project outcomes
Recommend inventory management strategies and techniques for improving the efficiency of a supply chain
Evaluate operational and project management environments using quantitative tools and techniques
Manage cross-functional environments to ensure the achievement of operational and project management goal
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