A. Question
What is the Review of Systems and what systems are involved and what specific questions in each system (ROS)?
Required Textbook Readings
Dains: Chapter 1
Cooper & Frain: Chapter 1
Ball et al.: Chapters 1, 3, 4,5
Williamson & Snyder: Chapter 1
Required Texts:
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (7th ed.) American Psychological Association.
Needed for all papers in all courses in graduate programs. Students also may find the
following web-site useful when using APA style for papers:
Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2023). Seidel’s
guide to physical examination an interprofessional approach (10th ed.). Elsevier.
Cooper, N., & Frain, J. (Eds.). (2016). ABCs of clinical reasoning. Wiley.
Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2020). Advanced health assessment and
clinical diagnosis in primary care (6th ed.). Elsevier.
Edmunds, M. W. (2017). Procedures for the primary care provider (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
Gunder, L. M. & Martin, S. A. (2011). Essentials of medical genetics for health
professionals. Jones & Bartlett.
Pagana, K.D., Pagana, T.J. & Pagana T.N. (2022). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and
laboratory tests (7th ed.). Elsevier.
Write about a paragraph or more to this question with references from the materials provided and if it’s an online resource it should be less than 5 years old.
Post # 1
What is the FIRST part of a client history?
The first part of a health history is the chief complaint.
What comes next?
Next is gathering the patients past medical history. This begins with history of present illness (has the patient ever experienced this chief complaint before?). The provider would then obtain a comprehensive health history on the patient.
Why does the history begin this way?
The health history begins with the chief complaint in order to gauge the situation. Knowing why the patient presents allows us to understand how severe the patient’s ailment is and how urgent the matter is (Nichol, 2024).
What is the difference between a complete history and a focused/episodic history?
A focused or episodic history is a shortened version of a health history. This would be utilized in emergency situations where time is of the essence or can be used when a provider is familiar with a patient’s comprehensive history already (Nichol, 2024). If a provider is familiar with a patient they would just gather a history on what has happened with the patient’s health since the last visit. A complete or comprehensive health history would include things like vaccines, familial history etc that may not be directly linked to the patient’s chief complaint but help to make up the patient’s health as a whole (Nichol, 2024).
What is the focus of an annual exam?
The purpose of an annual exam is to note any health trends in a patient. Often annual exams are compared to each other to see any trends in patient labs, patient status, etc. Annual exams monitor patients for chronic illness and are often where tertiary and secondary prevention is done to screen patients for things that they could be at high risk for due to age, gender, weight, or genealogy.
Nichol, J. R. (2024, April 30). Medical History. U.S. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534249/#:~:text=A%20comprehensive%20history%20intake%20includes,history%2C%20allergies%2C%20and%20medications.
Post #2
Four ethical principles which provide a framework for nurse practitioners to follow include autonomy, nonmaleficence, justice, and beneficence. Autonomy is carried out when the nurse practitioner encourages the patient to make their own informed decision regarding their health. Providing informed consent and encouraging the patient to make their own informed decision regarding their care is an example of how nurse practitioners use autonomy. Nonmaleficence describes doing no harm or minimizing the risk of harm as it relates to medical competence. Avoiding harmful procedures with risks outweighing the benefits shows proper use of nonmaleficence. Justice comprises of fairness or treating all patients equally regardless of their economic status, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Beneficence is doing the right thing for the patient or providing high quality care in order to help patients achieve their maximum health potential. Providing annual screenings such as the cervical cancer screening in order to identify early detection is an example of beneficence (CDC, 2022).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, April 28). Ethical principles. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/learning/safetyculturehc/module-5/11.htmLinks to an external site.
DeNisco, S.M. and Barker, A.M. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the profession, 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
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