Primary Document

This week you will be looking at documents as a historian would. You will select a primary source from the events/time periods we have studied during weeks 5-7 (1920s-1970s). You will analyze the document and make inferences about life at the time ONLY from what you can support from the document. Do not use additional sources.


Please choose a primary source DOCUMENT from the time periods/eras covered in weeks 5-7 – meaning 1920s to 1970s. Anything outside of this time period will be returned to you for revision and a loss of points for not meeting requirements.

Remember that a primary source is a source from the time period/a first-hand account etc.

Once you have selected your document, you will complete a primary analysis of it. Your primary analysis should include reference page in APA format that provides a link to the document. Please use scholarly sources (.gov, .edu etc.) and not just random internet sources (such as infoplease,, pinterest etc.).

You will then write a 1-2 page analysis in PARAGRAPH form with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph (no question and answer format) that addresses the following:

Type of Document (letter, law, executive order, treaty etc.), Author/creator, Date created
For what audience was the document written? Is there a stated purpose?
Why do you think this document was written?
What evidence in the document helps you know why it was written? Use a quote from the document to support your conclusion.
List two things the document tells you about life at the time and place it was written.
What is the author’s perspective on the issues? How do you think he was influenced by his position in society, career, nationality etc.? If it is a law – what influenced the lawmakers to pass this law?
What questions do you have that were not answered or addressed in the document? What would you ask the author(s) if you could?

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