Question 1
This week you were introduced to some common business related crimes. Your assignment for this week is to research a recent business crimes (not more than 3 years old) and select one as a topic for your assignment. Examples include, but are not limited to, hacking, Ponzi schemes, identity theft, etc. Explain how the crime is committed, list an example of the crime (an actual case), provide the applicable penalties if one is convicted of committing this crime, and prevention tips to keep people from becoming a victim of the crime.
Your paper will be 2-3 pages in length with proper APA citations (both in-text and full) to show where you received the source of your information about the crimes.
Question 2
Investigate what are the antitrust laws and their expansion in the US.
Select between the Sherman law or the Clayton law and explain what the purpose of the law is, which prohibits. Offer an example where the law applies and explain your application in detail.
Explain what are the horizontal restrictions and the vertical restrictions of free competition?
What are the powers of the Legislative Power, the Judiciary and the executive power in matters of foreign trade?
Explain the structure of foreign trade in the US.
Investigate and explain the structure of the Federal Trade Commission and its functions.
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