Resume and Cover Letter:(15 pts)
Drafting a resume will assist the student to record and evaluate activities and achievements that promote one’s professional nursing abilities. Students are to compose a 1-2 page resume outlining basic biographical information, formal education, and work experiences(s). Additional subject areas include professional license and certifications; membership in professional organizations; honors or awards; publications/presentations; continuing education; and hobbies. Students are encouraged to review information from the course, other texts, and Internet resources to assist them in compiling an effective resume that is professional in appearance and content.
This should include an overview of your career. Please identify the positions you have held, your responsibilities, and skills that you have developed. List your positions in reverse chronological order. The cover letter is one page; expresses the reason for your interest in the position, as well as highlighting your personal strengths and qualifications. It must be computer-generated, in formal letter format, and written in business language.(Appendix B – Grading Rubric Resume/Cover Letter)
- High quality (e.g. formal business format, overall appearance) (4 pts.)
- Use of business language (2 pts.)
- Spelling/grammar/syntax (2 pts.)
- Follows general resume or cover letter writing guidelines (3 pts.)
- Resume includes appropriate categories; content of cover letter expresses interest, highlights personal strengths, and qualifications (4 pts.)
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