personal Insight

Assessment 1:

My Opportunities

This assessment is comprised of six (6) key sections of content that must be addressed. In addition, this is a business report and therefore must be formatted according to the criteria set out in Section 7 of this report. Section 1: Introduction Suggested word count: 200 words (approximately)Section 2: My Job Cluster Suggested word count: 300 words (approximately). Minimum number of references: 2 (for further details please see Section 7 of this assessment brief). Research and select a job cluster or clusters. In this section you must address the following:1.Why did you choose this job cluster? 2.What are the key transferrable skills associated with your relevant cluster? Consider presenting this in two parts:a.Personal soft skills (e.g. teamwork, enthusiasm)b.Technical knowledge and skills (e.g. database management, customer service, bookkeeping, event management, social media campaign analysis)Before undertaking this section, students must complete the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) New Work Mindset online test. Please see Week 1 resources. Please note: Suitable methods for addressing this section and suggestions for suitable sources will be covered in the Week 1 Seminar Section 3: My Industry Requirements and Trends Suggested word count: 500 words (approximately). Minimum number of references: 5 (for further details please see Section 7 of this assessment brief). Research and select an industry that complements your job cluster and your career aspirations. In this section you must create your industry dashboard and critically analyse the industry trends (as highlighted in your industry dashboard) in your selected target industry. Your industry dashboard must be included in the body of your report. In this analysis, and from your research, you must address the following aspects of your target industry:

1.Growth areas and challenges

2.Who you see as the leading organisations

3.The changing job market (emerging jobs and changes in traditional roles)

4.Skills required for graduates (technical and soft)

5.The main employment challenges facing graduates
Please note: Suitable methods for addressing this section, including the industry dashboard, and suggestions for suitable sources will be covered in the Week 1 Seminar.

Section 4: My Capabilities

Suggested word count: 500 words (approximately). Test results must be included in the appendices to your report (for further details please see Section 7 of this assessment brief) In this section you must conduct a series of tests to review your current capabilities, discipline areas and areas where you are developing skills or knowledge. An overview of your review must be included in the body of your report as your Professional Dashboard (discussed in Week 1), and the detailed test results must be included in your appendices. Critically analyse the results of your tests, your academic performance and your experiences (as highlighted in your professional dashboard). Please note you must analyse the results, do not just describe, copy or list the test results. You must consider:

a.Do you agree/disagree with the findings of your tests?

b.Where are your strengths, where are your weaknesses (areas for improvement)?

c.What impact do these elements have on you in your choice of job role?

d.Does this align with your job cluster and career aspirations?Tests that must be completed include:

1.16 Personalities

2.Personal Performance Style.

3.SHAPES tests.

In your academic performance review, you must consider units where you have done well, shown specific abilities, or particularly enjoyed? You must also review your experiences and identify relevant experiences and results that showcase your abilities.Please note: Suitable methods for addressing this section and the self-assessment tools will be introduced in the Week 2 Seminar and included in the Week 2 resources.

Section 5: My SWOT and GAP Analysis

Suggested word count: 300 words (approximately). In this section you must compare your current capabilities (professional dashboard) with industry requirements (industry dashboard) and identify areas where you need to develop skills and capabilities. You will bring together all the information you have gathered about your target industry and yourself and:1.Prepare a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis. To be presented in a table.a.Identify your strengths and weaknesses (from your Professional Dashboard).
b.Identify the industry opportunities and threats (from your Industry Dashboard).2.Prepare a GAP analysis. To be presented in a table.a.Compare the critical skills (both technical and soft) that your target industry requires with your current skills.b.Critically analyse what this means for your career readiness. What skills and capabilities do you need to develop? Please note: Suitable methods for addressing this section will be introduced in the Week 3 Seminar.Section 6: Conclusion Suggested word count: 200 words (approximately). This is the end of the written part of this assessment item. The information you have gathered and analysed in this report will form the basis for Assessment 2, My Profile. Please see Section 7 for important presentation and formatting instructions.Section 7: Presentation and FormattingFile typeAssessments must be submitted as WORD documents only. Assessments submitted using other file types WILL NOT BE MARKED.  It is strongly recommended that you proof read your work and use a grammar and spell check application prior to submission.You must include the following sections in your report:•Title page•Executive Summary (Maximum 300 words. Not included in word count)•Table of Contents•1. Introduction•2. My Job Cluster (this also acts as your introduction)•3. My Industry Requirements and Trends•4. My Capabilities•5. My SWOT and Gap Analysis•6. Conclusion •7. References•Appendices
Please note: Your Professional and Industry Dashboards must be included in the body of the report. These should be full page and inserted in Landscape Orientation. To do this:•Select/highlight your dashboard •Go to the Layout Tab•Select Breaks + Next Page•Go to the new page and Select Margins + Custom (or Normal) Margins•Select Landscape•Paste your dashboard •Go to the next Page and reinstate the previous Margins and Portrait Use clear, precise language for all sections. Business writing requires the author to write for a business audience. Business audiences expect that you will introduce the topic, present all the key findings or information and then provide a clear result. The result may be a summary of your findings or conclusion at the end of this assignment.How do I create a Table of Contents?MS WORD can help you set up a table of contents. To do this, go to REFERENCES in the top MS WORD ribbon (alongside HOME, INSERT, and DESIGN). Then click on the Table of Contents icon. When you need to update your Table of Contents, simply right click on the table and select update entire table. The MS WORD table of contents creator requires that you make use of the Style ribbon and the Heading outlined within.Writing Style Although not typical for business reports, as this report is a personal review it is appropriate to write in the first person (e.g. ‘I’, ‘me’). Font and Line Spacing Use a clear font such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri or Tahoma. Text font size should be 12 pt. Any tables or diagrams should be 10 pt.All reports must use 1.5 or double line spacing. Headings and subheadings must be bold. Use headings effectively to show the reader how you have structured your work. It is useful to number your headings; effective number can help the reader/marker identify content relating to the three areas outlined above.

Word Limit

The word limit for this assessment is 2000 words. This does not include your Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, all tables and figures, the Reference List and any appendices. The word limit does include all headings within the report and all in-text citations.

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