1. For the introduction, rewrite this paragraph in your own words. No plagiarism.
“Education has always been a controversial subject. Does a college degree worth the money and time that students spend for? Some believe that college is very important for all the people who want to have a prosperous job and better future. Others argue that college is just a waste of precious time and money that people can save to build their future, and they should avoid college completely. Both side have their own reasons and support their positions by different evidences. This issue is not just related to US citizens, but also all the international students who pay significantly more in order to get educated and get a degree from schools in the United States. The price that international students pay is not just limited to financial matters but emotional as well. They have to come a long way from their home country and leave everything they have, and everyone they know behind for at least the period of their study. So with having all of this in mind, is college still worth it? What is the true value of college? I would say yes college does worth it both for American and International students although it the stuff students learn in college might not be absolutely useful and necessary for their future job. College worth it because of its importance in present time when employers have high expectations for the people they hire, and also because of the unique experience it gives to the students.”
2. In the second paragraph, explain what is the issue about?
• Explain what has happened and summarize the ongoing conversation about the issue; why is this a debatable issue?
3. In the third paragraph, support your argument about why College is Worth It?
The topic in this paragraph that you need to write about is higher paying jobs. Make sure you have supporting details.
4. In the fourth paragraph, support your argument about why College is Worth It?
The topic in this paragraph that you need to write about is Job opportunities. Make sure you have supporting details.
5. In the fifth paragraph, support your argument about why College is Worth It?
The topic in this paragraph that you need to write about is why College in the United States is Worth to international students. Make sure you have supporting details.
6. In the sixth paragraph, write a Clarification of your Argument.
• Qualify your argument—show that you are not oversimplifying or overgeneralizing
• Show that you understand the complexity of the issue
7. In the last paragraph which is the conclusion, rewrite this paragraph in your own words. No plagiarism.
“In the end, college seems to play an important role in people’s future and also gives them a unique and an unforgettable experience. Despite all the negative things about it, a college degree seems to be necessary for most of the people regardless of their abilities and skills. College will probably not going to give one all the skills one needs for one’s future job, but getting a college degree gives the graduates a certificate that proves to the employers whether an individual is suitable for the job they are offering, and it helps them to better chose who they are looking for among thousands of people who are competing for the same job position. The high number of people going to college each year have definitely decreased the value of a college degree as something that distinguishes a college graduate from the others, and today it seems like that a college degree have become a minimum factor that employers are looking for, so it seems like it have become more important than ever.”
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