Internal Factors

Question 1

Assignment 1: SWOT Analysis
Due Week 3 and worth 200 points
What is a SWOT analysis? The SWOT is an organizational performance tool used to conduct a situation analysis. The acronym SWOT stands for the following factors:
Strengths – internal factors that leverage organizational performance
Weaknesses – internal factors that will affect the health care organization (cost, quality, etc.)
Opportunities – external factors that improve initiatives for the organization
Threats – external factors that could negatively affect organizational performance
The SWOT analysis should match the organization’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. The analysis should help guide the organization’s formulation and selection of strategy. The SWOT analysis framework is often represented in a 2 x 2 matrix. (See template below.) Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company and can be directly managed by it, while opportunities and threats are external (meaning the company can only anticipate and react to them).

Question 2

While personality is the relatively permanent part of our behavior, values arise from our experiences and are rooted in our upbringing. Personality is a large component of effective leadership.

  1. Do experiences that are influenced by strong cultural values and a strong family system lead to much stronger strategic decision making? Do they lead to stronger leadership skills? Explain why or why not and back up your claims with research.
  2. Personal Application: Think about your own background? What significant experiences shaped your values? How do those values play out today in the workplace, and how do they determine the decisions you make each workday? How do they affect you in terms of your leadership approach and effectiveness? If you are not working, how might these experiences affect you as a future worker or leader?
  3. Global Application: Consider you are a leader and conduct business in a global community. You are responsible for all decision making in the organization. How would you ensure your decisions are considerate of the ethical and social cultures in which you conduct business?


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