Information Sources

Question 1

Which of the following should be the first step in your research process?


b. Interpret your findings and synthesize the research summary.


d. Ensure the research is well-formatted and clearly written.

Question 2

If 7.5% of pizza orders in Gotham are for Hawaiian pizzas, and you know that there are 100 pizza restaurants in Gotham, what can you determine about the number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus?

a.There are 75 restaurants that offer Hawaiian pizzas.

b. The number of restaurants with Hawaiian pizza on the menu can’t be determined.

c. There are 7 restaurants that offer Hawaiian pizzas.

d. More Gotham restaurants have Hawaiian pizza on the menu than vegetarian pizza.

Question 3

This week’s discussion focuses on breast cancer.

  1. Describe lymph node drainage of breast cancer
  2. Discuss the significant prognostic factors for breast cancer.
  3. Discuss important considerations for positioning in breast and chest wall irradiation
  4. Describe the acute side effects and management patients receiving radiation treatment to the breast or chest wall

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