Formative Assessments

We will learn knee anatomy related to the bones, muscles, and ligaments
Today, we will be able to identify and label structures within the knee that are commonly injured in order to have a strong foundation of knowledge to learn injury evaluation skills.
We will take notes off of a PowerPoint presentation around the knee anatomy that will be posted to Google Classroom and reinforce learning objectives by demonstrating proficiency through the formative assessment.
In the last 10 minutes of class, students will create a list of 3 questions to create a quiz based off of the information we learned in class. This will require students to analyze the information and predict material that will reappear in a quiz or test. The 3 questions must reflect essential information relevant to the objective and must be in short answer, multiple-choice, or matching form. Students must demonstrate their knowledge by creating an answer key from their own quiz. In the beginning of the following class, they will then switch quizzes with 3 other students to review additional information. This formative assessment ensures that students process and analyze the important information in a high yielding, low stakes manner. This assessment will not be grades, but encourages students to engage throughout the lecture. If the students are not able to adequately identify essential information, we will be able to reiterate that material throughout notes and utilize additional online resources.

We will learn how to properly implement rehabilitation techniques of the knee
Today, we will be able to discuss in the detail the process of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery and identify gold standard techniques around the surgery.
We will observe three different arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgeries; one will include bone-to-bone graft, one hamstring tendon graft, and one allograft.  
In the last 10 minutes of class, students will create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the three different techniques between bone-to-bone graft, hamstring graft, and allograft. There must be at least 5 methods (bullet points) listed in each section. Students do not have to use full sentences but must implement anatomical terminology. Additionally, students must write a paragraph describing the pros and cons of the technique of their choosing. This assessment will not be graded; however, it will allow me to determine the depth of information processed so we could further discuss the surgical technique, if necessary.

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