
She wants you to be the person in this story and think about if you will leave your job or not.

Here the Story:

Mario cheer is an advertising agency and the way it works in the real world for an advertising agency is that if you do not have enough work employees get terminated okay that’s just how it works that field is known for having a lot of terminations. It’s all based on how many clients you have how much work you have doesn’t matter you know how much the boss likes you, it’s nothing personal it’s just if we don’t have the client we can’t pay you and that’s the problem okay so the boss comes to you.
and says we just gotten what’s a Havana cigars.
as a client is that a brand I think it is isn’t it okay and I would like for you to be the art director for Havana cigars.
and you make very good money and you are a single parent.
so you are the full 100% support of your child.
so that’s critically important because we are in another Great Recession.
okay unemployment will go Sky High.
and there won’t be enough money and I don’t know what unemployment will be but it won’t be anything near what you’ve been making okay.
so the big hurdle for you those the ethics it’s not illegal to smoke we know we can smoke in the country right every state allows smoking some cities say no but the beach says no just smoking in the city this is smoke-free city did
you can smoke in your house okay with a lot of health problems okay.
and that bothers you.
that bothers you a lot how can I promote a product knowing full well.
that I could possibly be.
a contributing factor to the early. We know that okay.
what would you do now there’s not a right answer and there’s not a wrong answer.
I want it to be thawed out and I want you to validate your argument
I want you to give me the reasons why you would either take the position or you would leave the company cuz this could really happen to you when the big one comes and you may not be working for the Ad Agency but you may be working for a company and they may say you’re my favorite employee I like you the most but I have to let you go I can’t pay you okay this could happen to all of you all of you at some point in your time will face financial distress you will you will face it we have time we have lots of time I’d like you to stay I think you probably will and you usually do and I’m get working on it you’re getting some ideas. It down maybe some references you know so that you’re well prepared.
do you understand the context so it’s a business scenario we got the business which is the.
advertising agency and you’re an employee you make very good money and you’re a single dad so you can provide for your child but if you lose your job today you probably didn’t see it did anybody ever see Kaufman for houses.

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