This paper must be at least 3 full pages typed, double-spaced (zero before, zero after) on standard-sized paper (8.5″x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. You must use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, APA citation format and at least 5 references (APA format). A reference page is required. The paper should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion.
A page header (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page and page numbers flush right. Then type “TITLE OF YOUR PAPER” in the header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spacing and punctuation.
The writing assignment should explain the topic and the connect the topic to microeconomics.
TOPICS:1) China and United States trade relations, 2) Status of Labor Unions in the United States, 3) History of the Federal Reserve, 4) Biography of Ben Bernanke, 5) United States National Debt, 6) Economics of Social Security – Solvency, 7) Education and Wages, 8) Great Recession, 9) Housing Bubble – Causes, 10) Sharing Economy, 11) European Union, 12) Significance of Olympics on a Nation’s Economy, 13) Smoking and its Economic Impacts, 14) Affordable Care Act, 15) Wal-Mart: Pros and Cons for the Economy, 16) Facebook: Revenue and Tracking, 17) Apple Economics, 18) Outsourcing, 19)Income Distribution: Income Inequality, Income gaps, 20) Green Economy, 21) Poverty: How to solve world poverty?, 22) Causes of Poverty in the U.S., 23) Biography of John Maynard Keynes, 24) Biography of Adam Smith, 25) Biography of Milton Friedman, 26) Minimum wage: Effects on the Economy, 27) DeBeers Diamond Company – Influence on Diamond market, 28) Environmental economics, 29) Reaganomics – Supply-side economics, 30) FPL – monopoly, 31) Medicare, 32) Biography on Janet Yellen, 33) Media and Advertising, 34) Energy Policy, 35) Economy of Ireland, 36) Economy of Italy, 37) Economy of Greece, 38) Economy of Brazil, 39) Economy of China, 40) Economy of India, 41) Economy of Germany, 42) Economy of South Korea, 43) Tax System, 44) Gold Standard, 45) Great Depression, 46) Bitcoin, 47) 3D Printing, 48) Uber, 49) Brexit, 50) NAFTA
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