Earth History

Assignment: Write an original work of fiction that includes aspects of early invertebrate life in the Paleozoic. The characters can be the invertebrate fossils, the setting would be the geologic setting, age, and environment, and the plot will focus on the daily life, dangers, etc. of the fossil(s) you choose. Fiction? Really? Yes! You can choose whatever style of fiction you like. The only catch is it has to be geologically accurate! Be sure to read the grading rubric on page 2.

References: You may need additional background information. You will need three references. Textbook readings, the class lecture, the module videos, and additional webpage (or book) reference that provides additional helpful information about the Paleozoic fossil are acceptable.

Note: In order to get full credit, you need to include some references. You will use in-text citations and have a reference list at the end. You may work some really good ideas in what you learn from studying about other “real” fossils and localities, and these should be
referenced. Normally references are not required (or expected) in works of fiction, but I’m grading your factual backgrounds as well as the quality of the fiction. You may use outside resources for this assignment.

The information you use should be referenced in the text of your writing. You may use whatever format you like, but be consistent. All sources referenced in your story should be listed at the end of the story as a references section. Again, you may choose the format, but make it consistent throughout.

Required: Make this an actual work of fiction, with interesting characters, dialogue, plot, intrigue, etc. Put as much geological information (factually reasonable, of course) into this story that it will hold without destroying the artistry of your literary work. Remember that most word processors have spelling checkers associated with them for your convenience (and your
grade). You can also use resources such as Grammarly, should you need it.

Length: Your story should be at least 750 words. Any shorter than that will be significantly lacking in completeness, no matter how well conceived. Make sure to take your facts to create a story.

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