Data Encryption

Question 1

Answers each of the following questions with at least 300 words, each.

1) What is the Data Encryption Standard (DES)?

2) What is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?

3) Are there any security concerns with DES andor AES?

Question 2

Culture is comprised by a number of diverse elements (e.g. ideas, beliefs, norms, traditions, customs) which are formed through a group of people’s sustained interactions over time.  Cultural globalization, then, is the worldwide exchange of these cultural elements.

In a 600-900 word statement, please defend whether you believe in “cultural convergence” (the notion that people throughout the world are becoming more culturally alike) or “cultural divergence” (the notion that people are becoming less culturally alike).  Please do not defend both positions! Pick one!  In doing so, 1) explain your position by discussing the cultural elements that illustrate why people are more (or less) alike and 2) provide evidence from current events to support your position.

Please double-space your response paper and write in 12 point font.  Please also be sure to make appropriate citations (you must give credit in paraphrasing or quoting text from others! If not, it’s plagiarism).

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