Create a Quantitative Procedure: Unit 5

For this Assignment, you will be graded on the following.

  1. Including the new and old information provided to you in the Unit 5 tab.
  2. Creating a brief quantitative procedure, based upon your hypothesis, in paragraph format, with the title of “Procedure:” The procedure needs to be a chronological, specific story of what the participants (hypothetically) did as soon as they arrived at the location of the experiment, up until the end when they are thanked and debriefed.
    1. After creating your procedure, please note the design of your study in the following format: “Design: a) experimental, quasi-experimental, or pre-experimental, b) between-subjects or within-subjects, c) non, single, or double blind”
 CRITERIADeficient (0 – 34 Points Each)Development Needed (35– 44 Points Each)Proficient to Exemplary (45- 50 Points Each)
1All provided information included (e.g.,Topic, Hypothesis, etc.)Unclear and/or is missing many components and/or did not include information we providedAdequate representation of information, but may lack clarity, depth, or developmentIncludes and uses the information that we provided
2Quantitative Procedure (and additional notes)Very unclear, incorrect, and/or is missing many componentsMissing one or more required components; still needs work  and/or is unclearClearly explains a quantitative procedure and includes all other components

IV Create a quantitative procedure: Unit 5


<Your name>

Topic: The effect of heat on aggression

Hypothesis: (provided to you in the assignment section)

Independent Variable: (provided to you in the assignment section)

Dependent Variable: (provided to you in the assignment section)


(provided to you in the assignment section)

(provided to you in the assignment section)

(provided to you in the assignment section)

Sample: (provided to you in the assignment section)

Operationalized IV: (provided to you in the assignment section)

Operationalized DV: (provided to you in the assignment section)

Procedure:  <you provide>

Design: a) <you provide>, b) <you provide>, c) <you provide>

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