Corporate Infrastructure

Secure IT Infrastructure in project you will setup and configure (could be done by a set of virtual machine) a secure corporate infrastructure. Your infrastructure will need to have a minimum of

1.A firewall

2.A public web server or more employee workstations

4.Distributed instrusion detection tool/ email server

You will need to do the following tasks

1. Design the setup of your IT infrastructure and make sure that you can justify how it will ” prevent”/detect external as well as internal threads.

2.setup your infrastructure

3.produce a detailed report about your infrastructure.


Question 2

answer the below question with min 300 words and cite your sources APA style

Cyber security, Emergency response and recovery. The role of first Responders. At the weeks conclusion the student is able to answer the following:: How does DHS enable first responders at the local level, and synchronize their efforts with the appropriate resources?

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