Using the textbook, Principles of Microeconomics, as your only source (do not quote the textbook they will not count towards your answers, put everything in your own words) answer each of the following questions making sure to number each answer:
- Explain how demand curves are constructed using the indifference curve and budget constraint.
- Explain how higher wages affect the budget constraint and thus the demand curve. Provide a personal example.
- Explain how price changes affect the budget constraint and thus the demand curve. Provide a personal example.
- Explain the impact asymmetric information has on economic transactions. Provide a personal example.
- Explain how the impact of asymmetric information can be reduced in the market. Provide a personal example.
- Explain the Condorcet Paradox and Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem. Provide examples.
- Explain how people would not be rational in behavior economics. Provide a personal example.
Cite the textbook as your only source. Failure to properly cite and reference the presentation is considered plagiarism, even if you use your own words (paraphrase). Remember, you should not quote the textbook or any other source.
Mankiw, N.Gregory. (2015). Principles of Microeconomics, 7th Edition, Stamford, CT. Cengage Learning.
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