Confined Space Entry

Review the article, and prepare a paper discussing the following elements: Burlet-Vienney, D., Chinniah, Y., Bahloul, A., & Roberge, B. (2016). Risk analysis for confined space entries: Critical analysis of four tools applied to three risk scenarios. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 13(6), D99-D108.
Summarize how the researchers used the four risk assessment tools to evaluate risks in the three confined space work scenarios. Discuss the risk assessment results that each of the four tools produced. Summarize the authors’ conclusions about which of the four tools they believed provided the best results. Provide your opinion about which of the four tools you believe would provide the best risk assessment results for a hazard you are familiar with, or provide an alternate risk assessment tool you believe would be better than the four tools used in this research project.
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