Command and Control

How does cyber-power change either the nature or character of war? Does it change it at all? Can cyber-power be decisive in war? In your post you should consider what the impact of cyber-power in war and how it has the potential to revolutionize certain aspects of war such as intelligence, command and control and destruction of infrastructure. What is the potential of cyber-power and how might it influence the conduct of war?

Question 2

In this homework you use Netbeans to create two different unique and complete demonstrations of insecure interaction between components such as SQL Injection, Command Line Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (‘Open Redirect’). You will demonstrate and describe how to fix each of the problems. Therefore, a total of four code samples will be created. Two will have insecure interaction between components and two will have the issues fixed.

Question 3

Write the paper on Cyber security related to Homeland security. The paper should contain at least 6-8 pages of content not count the title page and reference page. The paper should be in APA format.


*Introduction, Conclusion, and subheadings are mandatory

*No Plagiarism


Question 4

Read the document security_overview.pdf as discussed in class.

List all the possible cyber threats mentioned in that document.

Which of the cyber threats are most dangerous (high risk) for a hospital?

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