Annotated Bibliography

Aims/Objectives To demonstrate the ability to articulate concise and persuasive arguments on the significance of film representations for the popular understanding of international affairs. To demonstrate the effective integration of theoretical approaches to global politics and empirical material provided in films. Assessment Description The take home exam will involve several essay-type questions that require analytical, essay-style responses. These questions will test your knowledge of course readings as well as information covered in lectures and in seminars. The take home exam will open at 9:00 am Monday 4 June 2018. You will be required to submit your responses by 11:00 pm Sunday 17 June 2018. Part 1 of the take home exam will require two short responses to topics covered in weeks 10 to 13. 8 short clips from the films for these weeks will be provided and matched with topics from contemporary global politics. You will need to discuss the issue and indicate how this is represented in the film clip. These short responses should be 250 words each. Part 2 of the take home exam is a 1000 word essay. There will be 4 questions to choose from. While addressing the big issues in the global politics of today, each of these questions focus on the ideas presented in week 14 about the complexity of global politics. You will need to refer to at least 2 of the films presented during the semester in your response to your chosen question. In order to prepare for the take home exam, you should watch the lecture pods for for weeks 10 to 14, read over the readings, and think about the ideas presented in context of the films you watched. Once the exam is open, you should conduct some research on the topic and consider how it is being represented in the films presented in the unit. Assessment Requirements You are expected to demonstrate your ability for critical thinking and evaluation of the propositions made in the readings, the lectures, and seminars and how they have shaped your thinking about the representation of global politics on film. The take-home exam will be evaluated on the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter, independent assessment, and coherent writing. You are encouraged to think, express, and argue your ideas creatively. At the same time, we expect grammatically correct, clearly written, and cogently argued take-home exams. A complete bibliography list is required at the end of your take-home exam. Assessment Criteria and Standards Accuracy and appreciation of the significance of relevant events and issues in global politics Utilisation of evidence and examples from chosen film Coherence and quality of the logic and argument Original thought, critical thinking English expression (If you fail on this criterion you fail the essay.) Take home exam To be submitted via the turnitin link by 11:00 pm Sunday 17 June 2018 Section 1 Short answers – 2 X 250 words each Discuss two of the following topics with reference to the film clip provided The United Nations and the Responsibility to Protect Global Society and the Responsibility to Protect The Refugee Convention and protracted refugee situations National security and refugee crises The Resource Curse in Africa Corporate Social Responsibility regarding conflict minerals International Cooperation on the Millennium Development Goals Transnational activism to Make Poverty History Section 2 Essay – 1 X 1,000 words Respond to one of the following statements in essay form. Refer to at least two of the films presented during the semester to demonstrate your ideas in your response. The complexity of transnational relations means that strategies to deal with transnational terrorism require more than the border security discourse suggests. In the complex interdependency of the world economy, developing states should be wary of discourse advocating simple solutions to enduring poverty. The hegemonic world order is under challenge as the state has become just one of the various actors in the broader and more complex discourse of social, political and economic globalisation. The discourse of the United Nations must be transformed if it is to remain the most effective global manager to address increasing non-state security challenges. You should begin your preparation for the exam by watching the appropriate lecture pods again to ensure you understand the issues and how they are represented in the films we have studied throughout the semester. The weekly readings and additional readings should assist in understanding the issue in greater detail. The essay questions all relate to the lecture for week 14 as well as issues we have been working on over the course of the unit. These essay questions obviously require some additional research. As a rule, a minimum of 5 sources is expected. A complete bibliography of all sources cited in the exam is necessary. Please ensure you indicate which questions you are responding to and submit your document to the turnitin link below

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