American Indian Studies

Papers must include two equal parts:
o a review of the assigned readings. A review is not a close reading of a couple of key issues, nor is it a string
of quotes. It is a review or summary of the main argument and the key topics that an author addresses.
o a thoughtful, critical analysis or reflection on how/why the issues addressed in the readings are important.
B. Any citation — whether summarizing or quoting — from the readings ought to include the hard-copy page number
or the electronic version location.
C. Any citations to non-course materials must include proper citations that follow the rules of a standard reference
guide, such as Chicago or MLA.
D. Papers that are more than 15% quotes from the readings will be marked down for excessive quotation (a
percentage you can view through the originality report feature of
E. Papers must be formatted according to the following rules: 1″ margins, single-spaced, standard font, a minimum of
1 page (600 words) and a maximum of 2 pages (1,000 words). Papers that do not meet the minimum word count
requirement will not receive a passing grade.


Question 2

Research Project
Students are to choose a research topic pertaining to the subject matter of the course, and
prepare a PowerPoint presentation on that topic. A minimum of 14 SLIDES (excluding the title slide
and the last slide containing references) with sufficient information that will cover the topic
adequately. The presentation should show good content, creativity, and continuity

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