America History

The title of the paper will be ” America As Policeman Of The World”. Write a three (3) page paper written in APA format, complete with running heads, in-text citations wherever is needed, a cover page and a reference page included. I need the references to be in alphabetical order.


Shultz, Kevin M. (2018). HIS5: Volume 2: U.S. History Since 1865 .

Klare, M. (2002, July 15). Endless Military Superiority. Nation, 275 31 (3) 12-16.

The third (3rd) one is Tarzi, S. M. (2014, Sept.).

The Folly of a grand strategy of coercive global primacy: A fresh perspective on the post-9/11 Bush doctrine. International Journal on World Peace, 31 (3), 27-52. The fourth (4th) reference is Dulles, J. F. (1954, Jan. 12). Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation. Department of State Bulletin, XXX, 107-110.

you can use any other two (2) references of your choice.

In this paper, you will focus on the 1940’s to the present. You will take a pro or con position and draw from the sources that I have listed and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. The position you choose will be the thesis statement for your opening paragraph.

The pro or con position you will take will be on the this: “The American “policing” role has had noble intentions and ultimate success during the Cold War, but in fighting terror, has gotten off track with some severe consequences”.

At the end of the paper, please try to tell how the history that you have talked about in this paper have impacted issues in your profession.

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