Abnormal Psychology Case Study

In this paper you will use empirical research to discuss diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of a disorder. You will choose 1 of the case examples provided
Your final paper should be 7-10 pages long, double spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font
You should use APA style for your in-text citations and references.
You must use at least 7 references that are articles from peer-reviewed journals to support your analysis of your case. Additional references are allowed but will not count.
Upload a copy of each empirical source with your assignment.
The following is an outline that you must use to guide your paper. Please use headers to indicate each section

Diagnosis: This section should describe what diagnosis (or diagnoses) you believe the person in your chosen case example has, using the diagnostic criteria and empirical research articles to outline why you believe this diagnosis (or diagnoses) are most appropriate.
Etiology: Etiology refers to the cause(s) of a mental health disorder. Using the research literature and the characteristics of your case example (if applicable or enough information is provided), discuss 3 factors that might have contributed to the development of your case example’s disorder, providing supporting evidence for your factors.
Treatment: This section describes what psychotherapeutic treatment you believe would be the best choice for this person, using empirical evidence to support your choice. This section must include a brief description of the treatment that demonstrations your understanding of what it involves. While you may mention medication as an adjunctive treatment, keep in mind that the focus of this paper is on psychotherapy and you will not receive points if you only recommend medication.
Outcome: This section should briefly discuss the expected outcomes for the person in your chosen case example who receives the treatment you have chosen, using empirical outcome research to predict this and incorporating the specific characteristics of the person in your case example. For example, what does the research literature say about how much symptoms are reduced by the treatment you have chosen? Are there any qualities of your case example that might influence treatment outcomes, like comorbid diagnosis?

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